Gr 4 La Météo

La météo

In this unit, we are learning about basic phrases to describe the weather and clothing.

Vocabulary includes:

·    Il fait chaud. (It's hot.)

·    Il fait froid. (It's cold.)

·    Il fait du soleil. (It's sunny.)

·    Il fait du vent. (It's windy.)

·    Il pleut. (It's raining.)

·    Il neige. (It's snowing.)

·    Il fait de l'orage. (It's [thunder] storming.)

·    Il fait frais. (It's cool/chilly.)

·    Il fait du brouillard. (It's foggy.)

·    Il fait sombre. (It's dark/gloomy.)

·    C'est nuageux. (It's cloudy.)

Questions & Phrases include:

·    Quel temps fait-il aujourd'hui? (How is the weather today?)

Grammaire: Des phrases au négatif

To make a sentence in the negative form, put "ne" before the verb, and "pas" after the verb.

do/does/is/are not = ne ...(verb)... pas


Il ne fait pas chaud. - It is not hot.

Il ne fait pas frais. - It is not chilly.

Il ne neige pas. - It is not snowing.

Il n'y a pas de neige. - There's no snow.

Click on the links below for a variety of on-line resources:


1. AMDSB : List of games to practice basic vocabulary

2. Millionaire : Play millionaire by answering questions about weather and seasons

3. Hangman: Use weather vocabulary to play hangman

4. Battleship: Use weather vocabulary to play battleship


1. Dates & Months : Practice listening to Dates and Months on-line

2. : Listen to numbers, dates, months and other basic words

3. BBC schools : Go to "What day is it?" or "Numbers" to listen to more French vocabulary

4. How's the weather? : Watch a slideshow and practice talking about the weather in French