Gr 8 Ado Monde

Ado Monde

This unit presents the fictional story of a day in the lives of a group of adolescents. The story touches on the theme of interpersonal relationships in the context of family, school, and leisure time.

Le comparatif:

Comparatives express relative superiority or inferiority; that is, that something is more or less than something else. In addition, comparatives can say that two things are equal. There are three types of comparatives, but four different French comparative adverbs:

1. Superiority:   plus... (de or que) +  (more... than, _____er than)
   Laure est plus sportive (qu'Anne).
   Laure is more athletic (than Anne).

2. Inferiority:   moins... (de or que) -  (less.... than)
   Rouen est moins cher (que Paris).
   Rouen is less expensive (than Paris).

3. Equality:
   a. aussi.... (de or que) =   (as... as)
      Tu es aussi sympathique que Chantal.
      You're as nice as Chantal.
   b. autant (de or que) =   (as much/many as)
      Je travaille autant qu'elle.
      I work as much as she does.

·    Hangman : Play hangman to practice making comparisons in French.

·    Jumbled Words : Unscramble letters to make comparisons using adverbs.

Le superlatif:

Superlatives express ultimate superiority or inferiority, claiming that one thing is the most or least of all. There are two types of French superlatives:

1. Superiority:   le plus   (the most, the _____est)
   C'est le livre le plus intéressant du monde.
   It's the most interesting book in the world.

2. Inferiority:   le moins   (the least)
   Nous avons acheté la voiture la moins chère.
   We bought the least expensive car.

·    Matching: Match phrases in the superlatif in English and French. Also hear the pronunciation.


Les adjectifs: